A (forma dos acordes no tom de G )
Capostraste na 2ª casa
12-string guitar standard tuning, except tune open 2nd strings from standard B up 1-1/2
to D. Capo 2nd fret.
The fret numbers denote the number of frets above the capo,
not the actual fret.
In the tabs, 8 dashes represents one beat.
Allegro (approximately 132 on metronome).
a cappella:
I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
so satisfied I'm on my way. (repeat once)
1. Take a straight and strong -er course to the
2. Make the white queen run so fast
3. wife_____________________________________
5. Move me on to any black square
6. Just re-mem -ber that the goal
7. want_____________ yea______________
8. Don't surround___ yourself with yourself________________
9. Send an in -stant Kar -ma to me___
10. care_____________________________________ your -self____
E7M) F#m7\
corn -er of your life_________ (2.)
she hasn't got time_____________ to make you a (3.)
(proceed to 4.)
use me any time you want (6.)
is for us all to cap -ture all we (7.)
yea______________________ yea- yea- yea__ (8.)
Move on back to squares______ (9.)
in -i -tial it with lov -ing (10.)
(self)____________________ (proceed to 4.)
4. 'cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and__
(and) its news is cap -tured____________________
(tured)_________________________________ for the queen_
(third time hold "captured) an extra bar and end)
(queen)______ to use (first time go back to 5.)
(second time proceed to 11.)
11. Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda
E7M) F#m7\
(first time repeat 11. once, then start from 8.)
(second time repeat 11. four times, then go back to 4.)