Tom: G
Person: Matt Veneklase
Tabbed by: Matt Veneklase
/ = slide up.
h = hammer on.
I've tabbed out the bassline for this song also because parts
of it don't have any guitar, just bass, and I play the bass
parts on my guitar.
Bassline into:
Bassline 1st verse:
Repeat this 4 times. After playing 2 times the guitar comes in:
G ) (
B )
C )
G ) (
G )
C )
G ) (
B )
C )
G ) (
B )
C )
The bass issilent for the 1st 3 measures of the second verse.
Bassline 2nd verse:
(Talking to myself...)
For the rest of the second verse and the chorus the bassline is the
same as the intro bassline (I think). That's all I've got so far.
If this transcription is correct then the lead parts are probaly based
Any comments, corrections, or additions email me at