Tom: D
tuning: Drop D (low to high: dadgbe)
w/whammy set 1 octave up
Fig 1.
End Fig 1.
w/whammy and delay
Fig 2. End Fig 2.
whammy, delay both off
Fig 3. End Fig 3.
Repeat Fig 2.
Repeat Fig 3.
Repeat Fig 1.
Now in this part I'm not too sure on how to get the various harmonics going
Just play around with it til you get something that sounds like it should
Fig 4. End Fig 4.
Unfortunately, this is another riff that is fairly elusive to my ears. it sounds correct
to me but I'm not 100% sure.
Fig 5. End Fig 5.
Repeat Fig 3.
Fig 6. End Fig 6.
For Fig 7. Just play an
A at 10 on the
B string and mess with the whammy pedal while
fading out
That should be it for the song!