Tom: Gb
This is the awesome 5th song on the Antichrist Superstar album. This song
sounds great and is easy as hell to play. You'll have to tune your guitar
to Dropped D so the order of the strings are like this: Low to High- D,
A, D, G, B, e
Intro: and Main Riff
Riff 2(This part is being played when he is singing, Little Horn Is Born)
Chorus (This is when he sings, World Spreads It's Legs For Another Star ......etc)
Main Riff Again
Riff 2 again
Chorus again
Riff 3 (It goes into that really fast-sounding part after the 2nd run through the Chorus)
Main Riff again
Chorus one last time
That's it for that song, it's pretty simple to play. I hope you enjoy it.
If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or whatever e-mail me at