Tom: C
Tuning: Drop D (D A D G B E low to high)
Tuning: Dropped D
Transcribed by: Leandro Langeani
Tab Key:
h - hammer on
p - pull off
/ - slide up
- slide down
b(x) - bend ate a casa x
rb - descer o bend segurando o som ate a nota original
~ - vibratto
pm - palm mute ou abafamento de cordas
- harmonica artificial (qdo dentro da tab)
- ponto de atençao (qdo em cima da tab)
A intencao dessa tab eh demonstrar oq esta sendo tocado, e nao como.
Para entender como serao tocados os riffs e acordes, escute a musica
com atencao e aprenda os tempos!
Intro: - Limpo o slide vem ate essa nota,
mas ela eh palhetada qdo atingir a nota
Nesse 2a variacao, algumas vezes ele faz o bend na ultima parte do riff...
escute a musica pra entender --> 6 7brb
stand here with me NOW!!
pm ... ... ...
pm ... ... ...
suba e desca o braco repete umas 2 ou 3 vezes ate chegar em:
no final eh soh repetir os riffs ja anteriormente escritos ate o fim...
(escute a musica pra entender a ordem)
Coz u stand here with me!!!
You always reached out to me and helped me believe
All those memories we shared
I will cherish every one of them
The truth of it is there`s a right way to live
And you showed me
So now you live on in the words of a song
You´re a melody
You stand here with me now
Just when fear blinded me you taught me to dream
I´ll give you everything I am and still fall short of
What you´ve done for me
In this life that we live
I hope I can give love unselfishly
I´ve learned the world is bigger than me
You´re my daily dose of reality
You stand here with me now
On and on we sing
On and on we sing this song
´Cause you stand here with me now